global gl
function gl.ActiveFBO(
fbo: Fbo,
target: GL?,
identities: boolean?,
lua_function: function?,
arg1: any?,
arg2: any?,
argn: any?
function gl.ActiveShader(
shaderID: integer,
func: function,
...: any
@param ...
- Arguments
Binds a shader program identified by shaderID, and calls the Lua func with the specified arguments.
Can be used in NON-drawing events (to update uniforms etc.)!
function gl.AddFallbackFont(filePath: string) -> success boolean
@param filePath
- VFS path to the file, for example “fonts/myfont.ttf”. Uses VFS.RAW_FIRST access mode.
Adds a fallback font for the font rendering engine.
Fonts added first will have higher priority. When a glyph isn’t found when rendering a font, the fallback fonts will be searched first, otherwise os fonts will be used.
The application should listen for the unsynced ‘FontsChanged’ callin so modules can clear any already reserved display lists or other relevant caches.
Note the callin won’t be executed at the time of calling this method, but later, on the Update cycle (before other Update and Draw callins).
function gl.BlitFBO(
x0Src: number,
y0Src: number,
x1Src: number,
y1Src: number,
x0Dst: number,
y0Dst: number,
x1Dst: number,
y1Dst: number,
mask: number?,
filter: number?
@param mask
@param filter
- (Default: GL_NEAREST)
needs GLAD_GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit
function gl.ClearAttachmentFBO(
target: number?,
attachment: (GL|string),
clearValue0: number,
clearValue1: number,
clearValue2: number,
clearValue3: number
@param target
@param attachment
- (e.g. "color0"
needs Platform.glVersionNum >= 30
Clears the “attachment” of the currently bound FBO type “target” with “clearValues”
function gl.ClearFallbackFonts() -> nil
Clears all fallback fonts.
See the note at ‘AddFallbackFont’ about the ‘FontsChanged’ callin, it also applies when calling this method.
function gl.Color(
r: number,
g: number,
b: number,
a: number?
@param r
- Red
@param g
- Green
@param b
- Blue
@param a
- Alpha (Default: 1.0f)
function gl.CreateFBO(fbo: Fbo)
function gl.CreateRBO(
xsize: integer,
ysize: integer,
data: CreateRBOData
) -> RBO
function gl.CreateShader(shaderParams: ShaderParams) -> shaderID integer
Create a shader.
function gl.DeleteFBO(fbo: Fbo)
This doesn’t delete the attached objects!
function gl.DeleteRBO(rbo: RBO)
function gl.DeleteShader(shaderID: integer)
Deletes a shader identified by shaderID
function gl.GetActiveUniforms(shaderID: integer) -> activeUniforms ActiveUniform[]
Query the active (actually used) uniforms of a shader and identify their names, types (float, int, uint) and sizes (float, vec4, …).
function gl.GetEngineModelUniformDataDef(index: number) -> glslDefinition string
Return the GLSL compliant definition of ModelUniformData structure (per Unit/Feature buffer available on GPU)
function gl.GetEngineUniformBufferDef(index: number) -> glslDefinition string
Return the GLSL compliant definition of UniformMatricesBuffer(idx=0) or UniformParamsBuffer(idx=1) structure.
function gl.GetShaderLog() -> infoLog string
Returns the shader compilation error log. This is empty if the shader linking failed, in that case, check your in/out blocks and ensure they match.
function gl.GetUniformLocation(
shaderID: integer,
name: string
) -> locationID GL
Returns the locationID of a shaders uniform. Needed for changing uniform values with function gl.Uniform
function gl.GetVAO() -> vao VAO?
@return vao
- The VAO ref on success, else nil
local myVAO = gl.GetVAO()
if myVAO == nil then Spring.Echo("Failed to get VAO") end
function gl.GetVBO(
bufferType: GLBufferType?,
freqUpdated: boolean?
) -> VBO VBO?
@param bufferType
- (Default: GL.ARRAY_BUFFER)
for vertex data and GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER
for vertex indices.
@param freqUpdated
- (Default: true)
to updated frequently, false
to update only once.
@return VBO
- The VBO ref on success, or nil if not supported or an error occurred.
local myVBO = gl.GetVBO()
if myVBO == nil then Spring.Echo("Failed to get VBO") end
function gl.IsValidFBO(
fbo: Fbo,
target: GL?
-> valid boolean
-> status number?
function gl.RawBindFBO(
fbo: nil,
target: GL?,
rawFboId: integer?
) -> nil
@param target
@param rawFboId
- (Default: 0)
Bind default or specified via rawFboId numeric id of FBO
function gl.SetGeometryShaderParameter(
shaderID: integer,
param: number,
number: number
) -> nil
Sets the Geometry shader parameters for shaderID. Needed by geometry shader programs (check the opengl GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 extension for glProgramParameteri)
function gl.SetTesselationShaderParameter(
param: integer,
value: integer
) -> nil
Sets the tesselation shader parameters for shaderID
Needed by tesselation shader programs. (Check the opengl GL_ARB_tessellation_shader
extension for glProgramParameteri
function gl.Text(
text: string,
x: number,
y: number,
size: number,
options: string?
) -> nil
@param options
- concatenated string of option characters.
- horizontal alignment:
- ‘c’ = center
- ‘r’ = right
- vertical alignment:
- ‘a’ = ascender
- ‘t’ = top
- ‘v’ = vertical center
- ‘x’ = baseline
- ‘b’ = bottom
- ‘d’ = descender
- decorations:
- ‘o’ = black outline
- ‘O’ = white outline
- ’s’ = shadow
- other:
- ‘n’ = don’t round vertex coords to nearest integer (font may get blurry)
function gl.Uniform(
locationID: (GL|string),
f1: number,
f2: number?,
f3: number?,
f4: number?
@param locationID
- uniformName
Sets the uniform float value at the locationID for the currently active shader. Shader must be activated before setting uniforms.
function gl.UniformArray(
locationID: (integer|string),
type: UniformArrayType,
uniforms: number[]
@param locationID
- uniformName
@param uniforms
- Array up to 1024 elements
Sets the an array of uniform values at the locationID for the currently active shader.
Shader must be activated before setting uniforms.
function gl.UniformInt(
locationID: (integer|string),
int1: integer,
int2: integer?,
int3: integer?,
int4: integer?
@param locationID
- uniformName
Sets the uniform int value at the locationID for the currently active shader. Shader must be activated before setting uniforms.
function gl.UniformMatrix(
locationID: (integer|string),
matrix: ("shadows"|"camera"|"caminv"|"camprj")
@param locationID
- uniformName
@param matrix
- Name of common matrix.
Sets the a uniform mat4 locationID for the currently active shader.
Shader must be activated before setting uniforms.
Can set one one common matrix like shadow, or by passing 16 additional numbers for the matrix.
function gl.UseShader(shaderID: integer) -> linked boolean
Binds a shader program identified by shaderID. Pass 0 to disable the shader. Returns whether the shader was successfully bound.