This article covers working with Lua for engine developers. For adding the library to your Recoil game, refer to the Lua Language Server guide.

Documenting Lua

The Lua library is a collection of type definitions that can be included in Recoil games to provide intellisense and type checking. It is found in the recoil-lua-library repo.

The library is generated from doc comments within the project.

Generating the library

Automatic library generation

The library is generated by the Generate Lua library workflow. This workflow runs automatically every time a PR is merged.

Manually generating the library

To test library generation, you can run lua-doc-extractor locally.

Install lua-doc-extractor:

npm install -g lua-doc-extractor

At root, run:

# First delete any previously generated output.
rm -rf rts/Lua/library/generated

# Regenerate the library.
lua-doc-extractor rts/Lua/*.cpp --dest rts/Lua/library/generated

Doc comments

Doc comments within CPP files

Special comments blocks are parsed by lua-doc-extractor and converted into definition files.

Comment blocks must start with /***, and by convention each line starts with *.

 * @function Spring.GetFeaturesInScreenRectangle
 * Get features inside a rectangle area on the map
 * @param left number
 * @param top number
 * @param right number
 * @param bottom number
 * @return nil|number[] featureIDs
int LuaUnsyncedRead::GetFeaturesInScreenRectangle(lua_State* L)
 // CPP code

These comments are mostly copied directly into the Lua library, but some code generation is required. For these custom tags must be used.

Markdown is supported in all text.

Authored library files

Hand-authored library files exist in /rts/Lua/Library/. These are appropriate to use when a Lua type is used in multiple CPP files.

All files under /rts/Lua/Library/ are directly copied into the library when the workflow runs.


Full list of annotations.

Common annotations


List of types

Common types

  • integer
  • nil
  • any
  • boolean
  • string
  • number (for floating point numbers)
  • integer
  • table<,>

Literals (e.g. true, false, 5) are also available as types. true is useful in the case where a table is being used as a set, e.g.

table<string, true>


Union types can be specified with |.


Suffix with ? as a shorthand for a union with nil, e.g. string? is equivalent to string|nil.


An array type is expressed as type[].

  • number[] — Array of numbers.
  • string?[] — Array of string or null.
  • number|string[] — A single number, or an array of strings.
  • (number|string)[] — An array with a mix of number and string.



  • Must start with @function TableName.FunctionName.
  • Can have any amount of description. This should be added after the first
  • Specify parameters with @param parameterName type Description...
  • Specify return type with @return type name Description...
  • For multiple returns use one per line.

@return must specify the type before the name, whereas @param takes the name before the type.

 * @function Math.Add
 * Add two integers together.
 * This function will add two numbers together and return the result.
 * ```lua
 * local totalHeight = Math.Add(legLength, upperBodyHeight)
 * ```
 * @param a integer The first number.
 * @param b integer The second number.
 * @returns integer result The sum of `a` and `b`.


Structured data is expressed as a class. This represents a table with expected key/value pairs.

  • Must start with @class ClassName. This name becomes a type that can be used in annotations.
  • Fields are specified by @field fieldName type Description....
 * @class Color
 * Describes an RGB color value.
 * @field red number The red value.
 * @field green number The green value.
 * @field blue number The blue value.

 * @function ColorUtility.LerpColor
 * @param from Color
 * @param to Color
 * @param value number The mix (in range `[0,1]`) of colors to combine. `1` will return `to` and `0` will return `from`.
 * @return Color color


A global table can be defined like so:

 * @table Spring

This will define a table. This table can then be referenced in a function name e.g. @function Spring.MyFunction.

A table of constants can also be expressed using @field:

 * @table CoolNumbers
 * @field number Pi
 * @field integer SixyNine
 * @field integer FourTwenty

A table is a global that can be accessed in Lua and not a type like @class.