Design large scale RTS games

Recoil is a battle tested open-source RTS engine that, allied with a flexible Lua API, allows you to implement the perfect UI and mechanics for your game with the ability to support thousands of complex units simultaneously.

Some of the games powered by Recoil: Beyond All Reason, ZeroK, TA Prime and Metal Factions.

Get started now View it on GitHub

Recoil is a recent hard fork of Spring from the 105 tree, many references to it might and will be present. Overall most documented Spring API and tutorials are compatible with Recoil since they are based on the 105 tree.

Getting started

This site is an early work-in-progress so content will mostly be references to Spring documentation until its own guides are written.



The latest stable release is spring_bar_{BAR105}105.1.1-2511-g747f18b available at:

See the release page for more options.


See Development for guides on how to build and develop Recoil.

When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via GitHub issues, our Discord server or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.

Thank you to the contributors of Recoil!

  • silentwings
  • vladmihaisima
  • Garfonso
  • 12345swordy
  • UnicodeSnowdude
  • Error323
  • tomjn
  • ForbodingAngel
  • db81
  • raimue
  • ashdnazg
  • MasterBel2
  • krux02
  • Karolson
  • niavok
  • badosu
  • svenstaro
  • daftalx
  • cleanrock
  • bernds
  • Beherith
  • nicfreeman1209
  • panzerr
  • dansan
  • Licho1
  • gnibu
  • keelefi
  • skynet-gh
  • renefritze
  • TurBoss
  • sprunk
  • heroboy
  • p2004a
  • DeinFreund
  • qknight
  • A-Lias
  • jk3064
  • DeadnightWarrior
  • a-nop
  • LunaMoo
  • N0U
  • rwestberg
  • zerver
  • imbaczek
  • psarkozy
  • horazont
  • nixtux
  • dzosz
  • springraaar
  • rlcevg
  • heirecka
  • gajop
  • FLOZi
  • ecraven
  • kaldamae
  • tranchis
  • KyleAnthonyShepherd
  • rtri
  • ricochet1k
  • WatchTheFort
  • sanguinariojoe
  • hoijui
  • Muon
  • goshhhy
  • n0psleddriver
  • bigbluejay9
  • lhog
  • tebeer
  • ChrisFloofyKitsune
  • enetheru
  • MajBoredom
  • salinecitrine
  • esainane
  • CommanderSpice
  • mvollrath
  • FIr3baL
  • StanczakDominik
  • codecnotsupported
  • Ruwetuin
  • SpliFF
  • Krogoth100
  • lostsquirrel1
  • aronj
  • velteyn
  • jamerlan
  • Svalorzen
  • abma
  • yokosou
  • nubtron
  • Yaribz
  • Dmytry
  • Bruno-DaSilva
  • Arch-Shaman
  • benmarsden
  • det
  • slogic
  • rfht
  • GoogleFrog
  • loveridge
  • jayaddison
  • moreginger
  • mammadori
  • AMDmi3
  • nbusseneau
  • xiphux
  • springjools
  • dennisklein
  • hughperkins
  • Dylan16807
  • Kevsnz
  • verybadsoldier
  • jamiewall
  • marcushutchings
  • 6AKU66
  • tvo
  • MadrMan