
You can customize some CEG entries by specifying a series of operators instead of just a number. This lets you apply limited logic to customize explosions. Each operation is specified by a single string.

Raw numbers

A single number means just that number. So for example:

sizeGrowth = "3",

This sets sizeGrowth to 3. So far so simple.

Some parameters, especially 3D vectors, accept multiple values. In that case, we separate then with the , (comma) operator. For example:

pos = "1, 2, 3",

This sets the position vector to x=1, y=2, and z=3.

Running value

There is an implicit running value, which starts at 0 and on which all the operators work. A raw number is actually an “operatorless” operator that performs simple addition to that running value. So, one could think of the examples above as really being 0 +3 for sizeGrowth and 0 +1, 0 +2, and 0 +3 as the components of the pos vector respectively.

To illustrate how this matters, consider this example. Note that there is no , between these!

sizeGrowth = "1 2 3",

The result of this is 6. This is because each of these is addition: 0 +1 +2 +3, which nets 6.


pos = "1 2, 3 4, 5 6",

This sets the components to 3 (0 +1 +2), 7 (0 +3 +4) and 11 (0 +5 +6) respectively.

Putting a bunch of raw numbers next to each other doesn’t make much sense, since we could have just written the sum directly, but the principle starts to matter when you mix operators.

Random (r)

The r operator also works on the running value, but adds a random value between 0 and the operand. So, for example, r4 gives a random value between 0 and 4. Practical hints:

  • very useful to make explosions look less artificial.
  • if you don’t want to roll from 0, then just add the offset (remember a raw operatorless number performs addition). So, 3 r4 gives a value between 3 and 7.
  • a common desire is to roll negative values, for example so that a directional particle can go either way. In that case, also use the offset. A common idiom is to use, for example, -15 r30 to roll ±15.
  • the value is distributed uniformly, but with some knowledge of statistics you could tweak it by stacking rolls. For example r6 produces a flat uniform 0-6 distribution, r3 r3 a sort of triangle where 3 is much more likely than 0 or 6, and r2 r2 r2 something smoother still, more resembling a bell curve. In practice this seems very underused though, and you can’t make the distribution asymmetrical via this basic method, though you can via the more advanced ones below.

Index (i)

The i operator multiplies its operand by the index of the particle, and adds this to the running value. When a generator spawns multiple particles of the same kind, each one is assigned an increasing index: 0, 1, 2, etc.

For example, if an explosion spawns 4 particles and size = "3 i2", then they will have sizes of 3, 5, 7 and 9 respectively.

  • useful for spawning stuff in something resembling a line or cone.
  • useful for scaling explosions via particle count, since the low-index particles will behave the same as before.
  • remember this doesn’t multiply the running value, or anything other than the operand.

Damage (d)

The d operator multiplies its operand by the “damage” of an explosion. For example d0.1 will net 10 for a 100-damage explosion, and 50 for a 500-damage explosion.

Some practical remarks:

  • for regular weapons, this is the “default” damage. Beware if you treat it as the “features” armor class (since they can’t have a real armor class)!
  • for CEG trails, damage is the remaining TTL of the projectile. So you can for example make missile trails burn out.
  • makes sure adjustments of damage (both ingame such as buffs or upgrades, or metagame changes such as balance changes after a patch) are subtly reflected in the visuals.
  • also lets you reuse the same CEG for multiple weapons of a similar type, for great visual consistency.
  • existing games prefer to have a separate effect for each similar weapon, so this is quite an uncommon operator as far as examples to look at.


In addition to the running value, you have an access to a buffer with 16 “slots” to which you can save values for later use. Other than allowing complex math, these let you reuse a value for multiple components of a vector (across the , boundary which normally resets the running value). There are also some operators that involve more complex values than just addition.

Yank (y), add (a), and multiply (x)

The y operator saves (“yanks”) the current running value to the buffer under given index, and resets the running value to 0. The a operator adds to the current running value from given buffer. The x operator multiplies the running value by the value of given buffer.


  • 10 r20 y7 5 r10 x7. Rolls a random value 10-30 (see earlier lesson), saves it to buffer #7 (which resets running value to 0), rolls a different one 5-15, then multiplies it by the value of the contents of buffer #7 (i.e. the previous roll). In general, the foo yN bar xN pattern is how you multiply foo and bar.
  • r10 y9 a9, 0, a9. Rolls a value, saves it to buffer #9, loads it right back because of the reset. Reuses the value for the third component of the vector. This is how you can get diagonal vectors.

Sinus (s)

The s operator treats its operand as an amplitude and the current running value as the phase, and replaces the current running value with the result. For example 3 s2 is about 0.28, because that’s 2 * sin(3 radians).

  • only really makes sense with sources of unpredictability such as r, i, or d.
  • there is no separate cosinus operator, but you can make a ghetto cosinus via cos(x) = sin(π/2 + x), i.e. just do 1.57 sX instead of just sX.
  • good for making circular or spherical volumetric effects (for non-volumetric there’s basic spread parameters like emitRot).

Sawtooth/modulo (m)

Applies the modulo operator to the running value. So for example:

  • 1 m7 is 1
  • 6 m7 is 6
  • 7 m7 is 0
  • 8 m7 is 1
  • 13 m7 is 6
  • 14 m7 is 0

In combination with the i operator, or the d operator for CEG trails, you can get periodic or “line stipple” style effects, since those are where multiple consecutive particles will be spawned with consecutive values for the sawtooth to work on. For example numParticles = "d0.125 m1 0.125" gets you one particle every 8 frames in a CEG trail.

Discretize (k)

Truncates the running value to a multiple of the operand:

  • 1 k7 is 0
  • 6 k7 is 0
  • 7 k7 is 7
  • 8 k7 is 7
  • 13 k7 is 7
  • 14 k7 is 14

You can use this to perform comparisons and have ghetto boolean logic, as long as you can provide some sort of upper bound on the running value. It’s admittedly a pretty inane way to do it and if you’re at that point consider whether it would not be better to just make particles via Lua though.

  • say you want to check “if x >= 123” and can assume that x < 10000.
  • do (...) 9877 k10000 -9999
  • now the running value is 0 or 1 depending on whether it was less or more than 123 before.
  • you can then use it to perform further operations.
  • in particular, multiplying/summing such “booleans” gives you the AND/OR logic operators respectively.

Some obvious use cases achievable by conditionally setting numParticles:

  • you can make a CEG trail fizzle out a bit earlier than nominal projectile expiration by checking if the remaining TTL is low enough.
  • in a CEG used for multiple similar weapons via the damage operator, you can enable extra particle types for big enough explosions.
  • comparisons and boolean logic open up a lot of possibilities, making this perhaps the most powerful operator.

Power (p) and power buffer (q)

The p operator raises the running value to the operandth power. The q operator is similar but takes the power from given buffer. The main use case is probably for getting x² or √x for making volumetric effects more or less center-heavy. Examples:

  • 3 p4 is 81, since that’s 3⁴.
  • 4 y7 3 q7 is also 81 (and leaves the 7th buffer slot with the value of 4).


Notation: V is the running value, X is the operand, and B denotes the buffer.

(none)V += X
rV += random(0; X)
iV += X * index
dV += X * damage
yB[X] = V
V = 0
aV += B[X]
xV *= B[X]
sV = X * sin(V)
mV = V % X
kV = floor(V / X) * X
pV = VX
qV = VB[X]
,result = V
V = 0

Written by: sprunk
