Unsynced Commands
Game developers and players can issue unsynced commands from chat, e.g. (“/showmetalmap”) or Spring.SendCommands
Here we provide a list of them, some commands require cheats enabled (“/cheat”):
Name | Description | Arguments |
advmapshading | Control advanced map shading mode |
advmodelshading | Control advanced model shading mode |
aicontrol | Creates a new instance of a Skirmish AI, to let it control a specific team | |
aikill | Kills the Skirmish AI controlling a specified team | |
ailist | Prints a list of all currently active Skirmish AIs | |
aireload | Reloads the Skirmish AI controlling a specified team | |
airmesh Cheat | Show/Hide the smooth air-mesh map overlay | |
allmapmarks Cheat | Show/Hide all map marks drawn so far | |
ally | Starts/Ends alliance of the local player's ally-team with another ally-team | |
atm | Redirects command /ATM to its synced processor | |
buffertext | Write the argument string(s) directly to the console history | |
chat | Starts waiting for intput to be sent to | |
chatall | Starts waiting for intput to be sent to All | |
chatally | Starts waiting for intput to be sent to Ally | |
chatspec | Starts waiting for intput to be sent to Spec | |
clearmapmarks | Remove all map marks drawn so far | |
clock | Shows a small digital clock indicating the local time | |
cmdcolors | Reloads cmdcolors.txt | |
commandhelp | Prints info about a specific chat command | |
commandlist | Prints all the available chat commands with description (if available) to the console | |
console | Enables/Disables the in-game console | |
controlunit | Start to first-person-control a unit | |
crash Cheat | Invoke an artificial crash through a NULL-pointer dereference (SIGSEGV) | |
createvideo | Start/Stop capturing a video of the game in progress | |
cross | Allows one to exchange and modify the appearance of the cross/mouse-pointer in first-person-control view | |
ctrlpanel | Reloads GUI config | |
debug | Enable/Disable debug rendering mode | |
debugcolvol | Enable/Disable drawing of collision volumes | |
debugcubemap | Use debug cubemap texture instead of the sky | |
debugdrawai | Enables/Disables debug drawing for AIs | |
debuggl | Enable/Disable OpenGL debug-context output | |
debugglerrors | Enable/Disable OpenGL debug-errors | |
debuginfo | Print debug info to the chat/log-file about either sound, profiling, or command-descriptions | |
debugpath | Enable/Disable drawing of pathfinder debug-data | |
debugquadfield | Draw quadfield sectors around GuiTraceRay and selected units | |
debugshadowfrustum | Enable/Disable drawing of shadow frustum shape | |
debugtraceray | Enable/Disable drawing of traceray debug-data | |
debugvisibility | Enable/Disable drawing of visible terrain | |
decguiopacity | Decreases the the opacity(see-through-ness) of GUI elements | |
decreaseviewradius | Decrease the view radius (higher performance, uglier view) | |
deselect | Deselects all currently selected units | |
destroy Cheat | Destroys one or multiple units by unitID immediately | |
disticon | Set the distance between units and camera, at which they turn into icons (Graphic setting) | |
distsortprojectiles | Enable/Disable sorting drawn projectiles by camera distance | |
divbyzero Cheat | Invoke an artificial crash by performing a division-by-zero | |
drawinmap | Enables drawing on the map | |
drawlabel | Draws a label on the map at the current mouse-pointer position | |
draworderparticles | Enable/Disable particles draw order: 0=disabled, 1=enabled | |
drawsky | Whether to actually draw sky | |
dumpatlas | Save Some Atlases | |
dumprng | dump SyncedRNG-state to file | |
dumpshadows | Save shadow map textures to files | |
dumpstate | dump game-state to file | |
echo | Write a string to the log file | |
endgraph | Enables/Disables the statistics graphs shown at the end of the game | |
exception Cheat | Invoke an artificial crash by throwing an std::runtime_error | |
featuredrawdistance | ||
featuredrawer | Forces particular Feature drawer type | |
featurefadedistance | ||
font | Reloads default or custom fonts | |
fps | Shows/Hides the frames-per-second indicator | |
fpshud | Enables/Disables HUD (GUI interface) shown in first-person-control mode | |
fullscreen | Switches fullscreen mode | |
gameinfo | Enables/Disables game-info panel rendering | |
gathermode | Enter/Leave gather-wait command mode | |
give Cheat | Places one or multiple units of a single or multiple types on the map, instantly; by default to your own team | |
grabinput | Prevents/Enables the mouse from leaving the game window (windowed mode only) | |
grounddecals | Enable/Disable ground-decal rendering | |
grounddetail | Set the level of ground detail | |
group | Manage control groups |
group0 | Allows modifying the members of group 0 | |
group1 | Allows modifying the members of group 1 | |
group2 | Allows modifying the members of group 2 | |
group3 | Allows modifying the members of group 3 | |
group4 | Allows modifying the members of group 4 | |
group5 | Allows modifying the members of group 5 | |
group6 | Allows modifying the members of group 6 | |
group7 | Allows modifying the members of group 7 | |
group8 | Allows modifying the members of group 8 | |
group9 | Allows modifying the members of group 9 | |
hang Cheat | Invoke an artificial hang | |
hardwarecursor | Enables/Disables hardware mouse-cursor support | |
hideinterface | Hide/Show the GUI controlls | |
iconfadestart | Set the distance where unit icons became completely opaque at | |
iconfadevanish | Set the distance where unit icons fade out at | |
iconsasui | Set whether unit icons are drawn as an UI element (true) or old LOD-like style (false, default). | |
iconscaleui | Set the multiplier for the size of the UI unit icons | |
iconshidewithui | Set whether unit icons are hidden when UI is hidden. | |
incguiopacity | Increases the the opacity(see-through-ness) of GUI elements | |
increaseviewradius | Increase terrain tessellation level | |
info | Shows/Hides the player roster | |
inputtextgeo | Move and/or resize the input-text field (the "Say: " thing) | |
lastmsgpos | Moves the camera to show the position of the last message | |
lodscale | Set the scale for either of: LOD (level-of-detail), shadow-LOD, reflection-LOD, refraction-LOD | |
luagaia | Redirects command /LuaGaia to its synced processor | |
luagccontrol | Toggle between 1/f and 30/s Lua garbage collection rate | |
luamenu | Allows one to reload or disable LuaMenu, or alternatively to send a chat message to LuaMenu | |
luarules | Redirects command /LuaRules to its synced processor | |
luasave | Save the game state to a specific file, add -y to overwrite when file is already present | |
luaui | Allows one to reload or disable LuaUI, or alternatively to send a chat message to LuaUI | |
mapborder | Control map-border rendering |
mapmarks | Enables/Disables map marks rendering | |
mapmeshdrawer | Switch map-mesh rendering modes: 0=GCM, 1=HLOD, 2=ROAM | |
mapshadowpolyoffset | ||
maxnanoparticles | Set the maximum number of nano-particles (Graphic setting) | |
maxparticles | Set the maximum number of particles (Graphics setting) | |
maxviewrange | Set maximum view-distance | |
minimap | FIXME document subcommands | |
minviewrange | Set minimum view-distance | |
mouse1 | Simulates a press of mouse-button 1 | |
mouse2 | Simulates a press of mouse-button 2 | |
mouse3 | Simulates a press of mouse-button 3 | |
mouse4 | Simulates a press of mouse-button 4 | |
mouse5 | Simulates a press of mouse-button 5 | |
mousecancelselectionrectangle | ||
moveback | Moves the camera Back a bit | |
movedown | Moves the camera Down a bit | |
movefast | Moves the camera Fast a bit | |
moveforward | Moves the camera Forward a bit | |
moveleft | Moves the camera Left a bit | |
movereset | Moves the camera Reset a bit | |
moveright | Moves the camera Right a bit | |
moverotate | Moves the camera Rotate a bit | |
moveslow | Moves the camera Slow a bit | |
movetilt | Moves the camera Tilt a bit | |
moveup | Moves the camera Up a bit | |
mutesound | Mute/Unmute the current sound system | |
netmsgsmoothing | Toggles whether client will use net-message smoothing; better for unstable connections | |
netping | Send a ping request to the server | |
noluadraw | Allow/Disallow Lua to draw on the map | |
pastetext | Paste either the argument string(s) or the content of the clip-board to chat input | |
pause | Pause/Unpause the game |
quitforce | Exits game to system | |
quitmenu | Opens the quit-menu, if it is not already open | |
quitmessage | Deprecated, see /Quit instead (was used to quit the game immediately) | |
reloadforce | Exits game to menu | |
reloadshaders | Reloads all engine shaders | |
reloadtextures | Reloads textures | |
remove Cheat | Removes one or multiple units by unitID immediately, bypassing death sequence | |
resbar | Shows/Hides team resource storage indicator bar | |
resync | Redirects command /Resync to its synced processor | |
safegl | Enables/Disables OpenGL safe-mode | |
save | Save the game state to a specific file, add -y to overwrite when file is already present | |
say | Say something in (public) chat | |
screenshot | Take a screen-shot of the current view | |
select | <chat command description: Select> | |
selectcycle | <chat command description: SelectUnits> | |
selectunits | <chat command description: SelectUnits> | |
send | Send a string as raw network message to the game host (for debugging only) | |
set | Set a config key=value pair | |
setspeed | Set the simulation speed to any positive value, bounded by the minimum and maximum game speed settings. | |
shadows | Control shadow rendering |
sharedialog | Opens the share dialog for sending units and resources to other players | |
showelevation | Enable rendering of the auxiliary height-map overlay | |
showmetalmap | Enable rendering of the auxiliary metal-map overlay | |
showpathcost Cheat | Enable rendering of the path cost-map overlay | |
showpathflow Cheat | Enable/Disable rendering of the path flow-map overlay | |
showpathheat Cheat | Enable/Disable rendering of the path heat-map overlay | |
showpathtraversability | Enable rendering of the path traversability-map overlay | |
showpathtype | Shows path traversability for a given MoveDefName, MoveDefID or UnitDefName | |
showstandard | Disable rendering of all auxiliary map overlays | |
slowdown | Decreases the simulation speed. The engine will try to simulate less frames per second | |
softparticles | Enable/Disable particles softening: 0=disabled, 1=enabled | |
soundchannelenable | Enable/Disable specific sound channels: UnitReply, General, Battle, UserInterface, Music | |
sounddevice | Switch the sound output system (currently only OpenAL / NullAudio) | |
specfullview | Sets or toggles between full LOS or ally-team LOS if the local user is a spectator | |
spectator | Lets the local user give up control over a team and start spectating | |
specteam | Lets the local user specify the team to follow if he is a spectator | |
speed | Shows/Hides the simulation speed indicator | |
speedcontrol | Sets how server adjusts speed according to player's CPU load, 1: use average, 0: use highest | |
speedup | Increases the simulation speed. The engine will try to simulate more frames per second | |
take | Redirects command /Take to its synced processor | |
team Cheat | Lets the local user change to another team | |
teamhighlight | Enables/Disables uncontrolled team blinking | |
toggleinfo | Toggles current info texture view | |
togglelos | Enable rendering of the auxiliary LOS-map overlay | |
tooltip | Enables/Disables the general tool-tips, displayed when hovering over units. features or the map | |
track | Start/stop following the selected unit(s) with the camera |
trackmode | Shift through different ways of following selected unit(s) | |
tset | Set a config key=value pair in the overlay, meaning it will not be persisted for future games | |
unitdrawer | Forces particular Unit drawer type | |
viewselection | Moves the camera to the center of the currently selected units | |
vsync | Enables/Disables vertical-sync (Graphics setting) | |
w | Say something in private to a specific player, by player-name | |
water | Set water rendering mode |
wbynum | Say something in private to a specific player, by player-ID | |
windowborderless | Switches borderless/decorated mode | |
wiremap | Toggle wireframe-mode drawing of map geometry | |
wiremodel | Toggle wireframe-mode drawing of model geometry | |
wiresky | Toggle wireframe-mode drawing of skydome geometry | |
wirewater | Toggle wireframe-mode drawing of water geometry |