Configuration Variables

Recoil supports configuration variables that can be set during runtime (with Spring.{Set,Get}Config* ) or via springsettings.cfg.

Here we provide a list of them:

AdvMapShading bool Enable shaders for terrain rendering. (source) Default: 1
Safe Mode: 0


bool (source)
AdvUnitShading bool Determines whether specular highlights and other lighting effects are rendered for units. (source) Default: 1
Safe Mode: 0
Headless: 0
AllowDeferredMapRendering bool Enable rendering the map to the map deferred buffers. (source) Default: 0
Safe Mode: 0
AllowDeferredModelBufferClear bool (source) Default: 0
Safe Mode: 0
AllowDeferredModelRendering bool Allows the rendering of model deferred buffers. (source) Default: 0
Safe Mode: 0
AllowDrawMapDeferredEvents bool Enable DrawGroundDeferred Lua callin. (source) Default: 0
AllowDrawMapPostDeferredEvents bool Enable DrawGroundPostDeferred Lua callin. (source) Default: 0
AllowDrawModelPostDeferredEvents bool Enable Draw{Units,Features}PostDeferred Lua callins. (source) Default: 1
AllowMultiSampledFrameBuffers bool Enable FBOs that can have multisampled anti-aliasing. (source) Default: 0
AllowSpectatorJoin bool allow any unauthenticated clients to join as spectator with any name, name will be prefixed with ~ (source) Default: 1
AlwaysSendDrawGroundEvents bool Always send DrawGround{Pre,Post}{Forward,Deferred} events (source) Default: 0
AnimationMT bool Enable multithreaded execution of animation ticks (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
Safe Mode: 0
AtiHacks int Enables graphics drivers workarounds for users with AMD proprietary drivers. -1:=runtime detect, 0:=off, 1:=on (source) Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 1
AtiSwapRBFix bool (source) Default: 0
AutoAddBuiltUnitsToFactoryGroup bool Controls whether or not units built by factories will inherit that factory's unit group. (source) Default: 0
AutoAddBuiltUnitsToSelectedGroup bool (source) Default: 0
AutohostIP string (source) Default:
AutohostPort int Which port should the engine listen on for Autohost interfact connections. (source) Default: 0
BlockCompositing bool Disables kwin compositing to fix tearing, possible fixes low FPS in windowed mode, too. (source) Default: 0
Safe Mode: 1
BuildIconsFirst bool (source) Default: 0
BumpWaterAnisotropy float (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
BumpWaterBlurReflection bool (source) Default: 0
BumpWaterDepthBits int (source) Default: 24
Min: 16
Max: 32
BumpWaterDynamicWaves bool (source) Default: 1
BumpWaterEndlessOcean bool Sets whether Bumpmapped water will be drawn beyond the map edge. (source) Default: 1


bool (source)
BumpWaterReflection int Determines the amount of objects reflected in Bumpmapped water. 0:=off, 1:=fast (skip terrain), 2:=full (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 2
BumpWaterRefraction int Determines the method of refraction with Bumpmapped water. 0:=off, 1:=screencopy, 2:=own rendering cycle (disabled) (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 1
BumpWaterShoreWaves bool Enables rendering of shorewaves. (source) Default: 1
Safe Mode: 0
Headless: 0
BumpWaterTexSizeReflection int Sets the size of the framebuffer texture used to store the reflection in Bumpmapped water. (source) Default: 512
Min: 32
BumpWaterUseDepthTexture bool (source) Default: 1


bool (source)
CamDollyFOV float (source) Default: 45
CamFrameTimeCorrection int Sets wether the camera interpolation factor should be the inverse of fps or last draw frame time (0 = lastdrawframetime, 1 = fpsinv) (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
CamFreeAngVelTime float (source) Default: 1
CamFreeAutoTilt float When free camera is locked, AutoTilt will point the camera in the direction of the ground's slope (source) Default: 150
CamFreeEnabled bool (source) Default: 0
CamFreeFOV float (source) Default: 45
CamFreeGoForward bool (source) Default: 0
CamFreeGravity float When free camera is locked, Gravity will be used if you jump off of a ground ramp. (source) Default: -500
CamFreeGroundOffset float Determines ground handling for the free camera. 0 - the camera can move anywhere, < 0 - the camera is always offset from the ground height by -CamFreeGroundOffset > 0 - the camera can be "locked" to the ground by using SHIFT UP_ARROW. (and will use CamFreeGroundOffset as the offset). To release the lock, simply press SHIFT DOWN_ARROW. (source) Default: 16
CamFreeInvertAlt bool (source) Default: 0
CamFreeScrollSpeed float (source) Default: 500
CamFreeSlide float (source) Default: 0.5
CamFreeTiltSpeed float (source) Default: 150
CamFreeVelTime float (source) Default: 1.5
CamMode int Defines the used camera. Options are: 0 = FPS 1 = Overhead 2 = Spring 3 = RotOverhead 4 = Free 5 = Overview (source) Default: 2
Min: 0
Max: 6
CamModeName string (source) Default:
CamOverheadFastScale float Scaling for CameraMoveFastMult. (source) Default: 0.3
CamOverviewDynamicRotation bool Transition from different camera preserves rotation (source) Default: 0
CamSpringEdgeRotate bool Rotate camera when cursor touches screen borders. (source) Default: 0
CamSpringEnabled bool (source) Default: 1
CamSpringFOV float (source) Default: 45
CamSpringFastScaleMouseMove float Scaling for CameraMoveFastMult in spring camera mode while moving mouse. (source) Default: 0.3
CamSpringFastScaleMousewheelMove float Scaling for CameraMoveFastMult in spring camera mode while scrolling with mouse. (source) Default: 0.2
CamSpringHalflife int For Spring Dampened camera. It is the time in milliseconds at which the camera should be approximately halfway towards the goal. (source) Default: 100
Min: 0
CamSpringLockCardinalDirections bool Whether cardinal directions should be `locked` for a short time when rotating. (source) Default: 1
CamSpringMinZoomDistance float Minimum camera zoom distance, note this is the distance from frustrum location to the ground in the direction of view (source) Default: 20
CamSpringScrollSpeed int (source) Default: 10
CamSpringTrackMapHeightMode int Camera height is influenced by terrain height. 0=Static 1=Terrain 2=Smoothmesh (source) Default: 1
CamSpringZoomInToMousePos bool (source) Default: 1
CamSpringZoomOutFromMousePos bool (source) Default: 0
CamTimeExponent float Camera transitions happen at lerp(old, new, timeNorm ^ CamTimeExponent). (source) Default: 4
Min: 0
CamTimeFactor float Scales the speed of camera transitions, e.g. zooming or position change. (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
CamTransitionMode int Defines the function used for camera transitions. Options are: 0 = Exponential Decay 1 = Spring Dampened 2 = Spring Dampened with timed transitions 3 = Lerp Smoothed (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 3
CameraMoveFastMult float The multiplier applied to speed when camera is in movefast state. (source) Default: 10
Min: 1
CameraMoveSlowMult float The multiplier applied to speed when camera is in moveslow state. (source) Default: 0.1
Max: 1
ColorElev bool If heightmap (default hotkey [F1]) should be colored or not. (source) Default: 1
CompressTextures bool Runtime compress most textures to save VideoRAM. (source) Default: 0
Safe Mode: 1
CrossAlpha float (source) Default: 0.5
CrossMoveScale float (source) Default: 1
CrossSize float (source) Default: 12
CubeTexGenerateMipMaps bool Generate mipmaps for the reflection and specular cubemap textures, useful for efficient subsampling and blurring. (source) Default: 0
CubeTexSizeReflection int The square resolution of each face of the environment reflection cubemap. (source) Default: 128
Min: 1
CubeTexSizeSpecular int The square resolution of each face of the specular cubemap. (source) Default: 128
Min: 1
DebugGL bool Enables GL debug-context and output. (see GL_ARB_debug_output) (source) Default: 0
DebugGLStacktraces bool Create a stacktrace when an OpenGL error occurs (source) Default: 0
DefaultLuaMenu string Sets the default menu to be used when spring is started. (source) Default:
DefaultStartScript string filename of script.txt to use when no command line parameters are specified. (source) Default:
DemoFromDemo bool Enable recording a demo while playing back a demo. (source) Default: 0
DeprecatedGLWarnLevel int (source) Default: 0
Safe Mode: 0
Headless: 0
DisableDemoVersionCheck bool Allow to play every replay file (may crash / cause undefined behaviour in replays) (source) Default: 0
DoubleClickTime float Double click time in milliseconds. (source) Default: 200
DualScreenMiniMapAspectRatio bool Whether minimap preserves aspect ratio on dual screen mode. (source) Default: 1
DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft bool When set, will make the left half of the screen the minimap when DualScreenMode is set. (source) Default: 0
DualScreenMode bool Sets whether to split the screen in half, with one half for minimap and one for main screen. Right side is for minimap unless DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft is set. (source) Default: 0
DumpGameStateOnDesync bool Enable writing clientgamestate and servergamestate dumps when a desync is detected (source) Default: 1
EdgeMoveDynamic bool If EdgeMove scrolling speed should fade with edge distance. (source) Default: 1
EdgeMoveWidth float The width (in percent of screen size) of the EdgeMove scrolling area. (source) Default: 0.02
Min: 0
ExtraTextureUpdateRate int EXTREME CPU-HEAVY ON MEDIUM/BIG MAPS! DON'T CHANGE DEFAULT! (source) Default: 45
FPSClampPos bool (source) Default: 1
FPSEnabled bool (source) Default: 1
FPSFOV float (source) Default: 45
FPSMouseScale float (source) Default: 0.01
FPSScrollSpeed int (source) Default: 10


bool (source)


int (source)
FeatureDrawDistance float Maximum distance at which features will be drawn. (source) Default: 6000
Min: 0
FeatureFadeDistance float Distance at which features will begin to fade from view. (source) Default: 4500
Min: 0
FontFile string Sets the font of Spring engine text. (source) Default: fonts/FreeSansBold.otf
FontOutlineWeight float Sets the opacity of Spring engine text, such as the title screen version number, clock, and basic UI. Does not affect LuaUI elements. (source) Default: 25
FontOutlineWidth int Sets the width of the black outline around Spring engine text, such as the title screen version number, clock, and basic UI. Does not affect LuaUI elements. (source) Default: 3
FontSize int Sets the font size (in pixels) of the MainMenu and more. (source) Default: 23
ForceCoreContext int (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 1
ForceDisableClipCtrl int (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 1
ForceDisableExplicitAttribLocs int (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 1
ForceDisableGL4 int (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 1
Safe Mode: 1
ForceDisablePersistentMapping int (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 1


bool (source)
ForceSwapBuffers int (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 1
Fullscreen bool Sets whether the game will run in fullscreen, as opposed to a window. For Windowed Fullscreen of Borderless Window, set this to 0, WindowBorderless to 1, and WindowPosX and WindowPosY to 0. (source) Default: 1
FullscreenEdgeMove bool see WindowedEdgeMove, just for fullscreen mode (source) Default: 1
GLContextMajorVersion int (source) Default: 3
Min: 3
Max: 4
GLContextMinorVersion int (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 5
GameEndOnConnectionLoss bool (source) Default: 1
GrassDetail int Sets how detailed the engine rendered grass will be on any given map. (source) Default: 7
Min: 0
GroundDecals bool Controls whether ground decals underneath buildings, unit tracks & footprints as well as ground scars from explosions will be rendered. (source) Default: 1
GroundDetail int Controls how detailed the map geometry will be. On lowered settings, cliffs may appear to be jagged or "melting". (source) Default: 60
Min: 4
Max: 200
GroundLODScaleReflection float (source) Default: 1
GroundLODScaleRefraction float (source) Default: 1
GroundLODScaleTerrainReflection float (source) Default: 1


bool (source)


int (source)
GuiOpacity float Sets the opacity of the built-in Spring UI. Generally has no effect on LuaUI widgets. Can be set in-game using shift+, to decrease and shift+. to increase. (source) Default: 0.8
Min: 0
Max: 1
HangTimeout int Number of seconds that, if spent in the same code segment, indicate a hang; -1 to disable. (source) Default: 60
Min: -1
Max: 600
HardwareCursor bool Sets hardware mouse cursor rendering. If you have a low framerate, your mouse cursor will seem "laggy". Setting hardware cursor will render the mouse cursor separately from spring and the mouse will behave normally. Note, not all GPU drivers support it in fullscreen mode! (source) Default: 0
HighQualityDecals bool Forces MSAA processing of decals. Improves decals quality, but may ruin the performance. (source) Default: 0
HighResInfoTexture bool Use full heightmap resolution info texture (true), or half resolution (false) (source) Default: 1
HighResLos bool Controls whether LOS ("L view") edges are rendered in high resolution. Resource heavy! (source) Default: 0
HostIPDefault string Default IP to use for hosting if not specified in script.txt (source) Default: localhost
HostPortDefault int Default Port to use for hosting if not specified in script.txt (source) Default: 8452
Min: 0
Max: 65535
InfoConsoleGeometry string (source) Default: 0.26 0.96 0.41 0.205
InfoMessageTime int Time until old messages disappear from the ingame console. (source) Default: 10
InitialNetworkTimeout int Time to wait for the initial connection to the game server. (source) Default: 30
Min: 10
InputTextGeo string (source) Default:
InvertMouse bool (source) Default: 0
InvertQueueKey bool (source) Default: 0
KeyChainTimeout int Timeout in milliseconds waiting for a key chain shortcut. (source) Default: 750
Min: 0
LODScale float (source) Default: 1
LODScaleReflection float (source) Default: 1
LODScaleRefraction float (source) Default: 1
LODScaleShadow float (source) Default: 1
LastSelectedMap string Stores the previously played map. (source) Default: No map selected
LastSelectedMod string Stores the previously played game. (source) Default: No game selected
LastSelectedScript string Stores the previously played AI. (source) Default: No script selected
LastSelectedSetting string Stores the previously selected setting, when editing settings within the Spring main menu. (source) Default:
LinkIncomingMaxPacketRate int (source) Default: 64
Min: 0
LinkIncomingMaxWaitingPackets int (source) Default: 512
Min: 0
LinkIncomingPeakBandwidth int (source) Default: 32768
Min: 0
LinkIncomingSustainedBandwidth int (source) Default: 2048
Min: 0
LinkOutgoingBandwidth int (source) Default: 65536
Min: 0
LoadBadSaves bool (source) Default: 0
LoadingMT int Experimental option to load the game in separate thread. Expect visual glitches, crashes and deadlocks (source) Default: 0
Safe Mode: 0
LogClientData bool (source) Default: 0
LogFlushLevel int Flush the logfile when a message's level exceeds this value. ERROR is flushed by default, WARNING is not. (source) Default: 50
LogRepeatLimit int Allow at most this many consecutive identical messages to be logged. (source) Default: 10
LogSections string Comma-separated list of enabled logsections, see infolog.txt / console output for possible values. (source) Default:
LuaGarbageCollectionMemLoadMult float How much the amount of Lua memory in use increases the rate of garbage collection. (source) Default: 1.33
Min: 1
Max: 100
LuaGarbageCollectionRunTimeMult float How many milliseconds the garbage collected can run for in each GC cycle (source) Default: 5
Min: 1
LuaShaders bool (source) Default: 1
Safe Mode: 0
Headless: 0
LuaSocketEnabled bool Enable LuaSocket support, allows Lua widgets to make TCP/UDP connections (source) Default: 1
LuaWritableConfigFile bool (source) Default: 1
MSAALevel int Enables multisample anti-aliasing; 'level' is the number of samples used. (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 32
MapBorder bool Draws a solid border at the edges of the map. (source) Default: 1
MaxDynamicMapLights int Maximum number of map-global dynamic lights that will be rendered at once. High numbers of lights cost performance, as they affect every map fragment. (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
MaxDynamicModelLights int (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
MaxFontTries int Represents the maximum number of attempts to search for a glyph replacement using the FontConfig library (lower = foreign glyphs may fail to render, higher = searching for foreign glyphs can lag the game). (source) Default: 5
MaxNanoParticles int (source) Default: 2000
Min: 0
MaxParticles int (source) Default: 10000
Min: 0
MaxSounds int Maximum sounds played in parallel. (source) Default: 128
Min: 1
MaxTextureAtlasSizeX int The max X size of the projectile and Lua texture atlasses (source) Default: 4096
Min: 512
Max: 32768
MaxTextureAtlasSizeY int The max Y size of the projectile and Lua texture atlasses (source) Default: 4096
Min: 512
Max: 32768
MaximumTransmissionUnit int (source) Default: 1400
Min: 400
string Archive name for the default Menu. (source) Default: Spring Bitmaps
MiddleClickScrollSpeed float (source) Default: 0.01
MinDrawFPS int Defines how many frames per second should minimally be rendered. To reach this number we will delay simframes. (source) Default: 2
MinSampleShadingRate float A value of 1.0 indicates that each sample in the framebuffer should be independently shaded. A value of 0.0 effectively allows the GL to ignore sample rate shading. Any value between 0.0 and 1.0 allows the GL to shade only a subset of the total samples within each covered fragment. (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 1
MinSimDrawBalance float Percent of the time for simulation is minimum spend for drawing. E.g. if set to 0.15 then 15% of the total cpu time is exclusively reserved for drawing. (source) Default: 0.15
MiniMapButtonSize int (source) Default: 16
MiniMapCanDraw bool Enables drawing with cursor over MiniMap. (source) Default: 0
MiniMapCanFlip bool Whether minimap inverts coordinates when camera Y rotation is between 90 and 270 degrees. (source) Default: 0
MiniMapCursorScale float (source) Default: -0.5
MiniMapDrawCommands int (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
MiniMapDrawProjectiles bool (source) Default: 1
MiniMapFullProxy bool (source) Default: 1
MiniMapGeometry string (source) Default: 2 2 200 200
MiniMapIcons bool (source) Default: 1
MiniMapMarker bool (source) Default: 1
MiniMapMouseWheel bool Whether MiniMap responds to MouseWheel events (source) Default: 0
MiniMapRefreshRate int The refresh rate of the async MiniMap texture. Needs MiniMapRenderToTexture to be true. Value of "0" autoselects between 10-60FPS. (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
MiniMapRenderToTexture bool Asynchronous render MiniMap to a texture independent of screen FPS. (source) Default: 1
Safe Mode: 0
MiniMapUnitExp float (source) Default: 0.25
MiniMapUnitSize float (source) Default: 2.5
Min: 0
MinimizeOnFocusLoss int When set to 1 minimize Window if it loses key focus when in fullscreen mode. (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 1
MouseDragBoxCommandThreshold int Distance in pixels which the mouse must be dragged to trigger a rectangular area command. (source) Default: 16
MouseDragCircleCommandThreshold int Distance in pixels which the mouse must be dragged to trigger a circular area command. (source) Default: 4
MouseDragFrontCommandThreshold int Distance in pixels which the mouse must be dragged to trigger a formation front command. (source) Default: 30
MouseDragScrollThreshold float (source) Default: 0.3
MouseDragSelectionThreshold int Distance in pixels which the mouse must be dragged to trigger a selection box. (source) Default: 4
MouseRelativeModeWarp bool (source) Default: 1
NetworkLossFactor int (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 2
NetworkTimeout int Number of seconds before connection to game server is considered lost. (source) Default: 120
Min: 0
NoHelperAIs bool (source) Default: 0
OverheadEnabled bool (source) Default: 1
OverheadFOV float (source) Default: 45
OverheadMaxHeightFactor float Float multiplier for maximum overhead camera zoom distance (source) Default: 1
OverheadMinZoomDistance float Minimum camera zoom distance (source) Default: 60
OverheadScrollSpeed int (source) Default: 10
OverheadTiltSpeed float (source) Default: 1
PathingThreadCount int (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
Safe Mode: 1
PitchAdjust int Adjusts sound pitch proportional to [if set to 1, the square root of] game speed. Set to 2 for linear scaling. (source) Default: 0
PreloadModels bool The engine will preload all models (source) Default: 1
ROAM int Use ROAM for terrain mesh rendering: 0 to disable, 1=VBO mode to enable. (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 1
RapidTagResolutionOrder string ';' separated list of domains, preference order for resolving package from rapid tags (source) Default:
ReconnectTimeout int (source) Default: 15
Min: 0


int (source)
RotOverheadClampMap bool (source) Default: 1
RotOverheadEnabled bool (source) Default: 1
RotOverheadFOV float (source) Default: 45
RotOverheadMouseScale float (source) Default: 0.01
RotOverheadScrollSpeed int (source) Default: 10
RotateLogFiles bool Rotate logfiles, old logfiles will be moved into the subfolder "log". (source) Default: 0
SMFTexAniso float (source) Default: 4
Min: 0
SMFTextureLodBias float In case SMFTextureStreaming = false, this parameter controls the sampling lod bias applied to diffuse texture (source) Default: 0
Safe Mode: 0
SMFTextureStreaming bool Dynamically load and unload SMF Diffuse textures. Saves VRAM, worse performance and image quality. (source) Default: 0
Safe Mode: 1
SSMFTexAniso float (source) Default: 4
Min: 0
ScreenshotCounter int Deprecated, does nothing, but not marked as such to keep compatibility with older engine versions (source) Default: 0
ScrollWheelSpeed float (source) Default: -25
Min: -255
Max: 255
SelectThroughGround float How far beyond the ground to allow selecting objects. (source) Default: 200
Min: 0
ServerLogDebugMessages bool (source) Default: 0
ServerLogInfoMessages bool (source) Default: 0
ServerRecordDemos bool (source) Default: 0
ServerSleepTime int Number of milliseconds to sleep per tick for the server thread. Lower values have marginally higher CPU load, while high values can introduce additional latency. (source) Default: 5
SetCoreAffinity unsigned Defines a bitmask indicating which CPU cores the main-thread should use. (source) Default: 0
Safe Mode: 1
ShadowColorMode bool Whether the colorbuffer of shadowmap FBO is RGB vs greyscale(to conserve some VRAM) (source) Default: 1
ShadowMapSize int Sets the resolution of shadows. Higher numbers increase quality at the cost of performance. (source) Default: 2048
Min: 32
ShadowProjectionMode int (source) Default: 1
Shadows int Sets whether shadows are rendered. -1:=forceoff, 0:=off, 1:=full, 2:=fast (skip terrain) (source) Default: 2
Min: -1
Safe Mode: -1
Headless: -1
ShowClock bool Displays a clock on the top-right corner of the screen showing the elapsed time of the current game. (source) Default: 1
ShowFPS bool Displays current framerate. (source) Default: 0
ShowPlayerInfo int (source) Default: 1
ShowSpeed bool Displays current game speed. (source) Default: 0
SimpleMiniMapColors bool (source) Default: 0
SmallFontFile string Sets the font of Spring engine small text. (source) Default: fonts/FreeSansBold.otf
SmallFontOutlineWeight float see FontOutlineWeight (source) Default: 10
SmallFontOutlineWidth int see FontOutlineWidth (source) Default: 2
SmallFontSize int Sets the font size (in pixels) of the engine GUIs and more. (source) Default: 14
SmoothTimeOffset int Enables frametimeoffset smoothing, 0 = off (old version), -1 = forced 0.5, 1-20 smooth, recommended = 2-3 (source) Default: 0
SoftParticles int Soften up CEG particles on clipping edges (source) Default: 1
Safe Mode: 0
Sound bool Enables (OpenAL) or disables sound. (source) Default: 1
SourcePort int (source) Default: 0
SpeedControl int Sets how server adjusts speed according to player's load (CPU), 1: use average, 2: use highest (source) Default: 1
Min: 1
Max: 2
SplashScreenDir string (source) Default: .
SpringData string List of additional data-directories, separated by ';' on Windows and ':' on other OSs (source) Default:
SpringDataRoot string Optional custom data-directory content root ('base', 'maps', ...) to scan for archives (source) Default:
StoreDefaultSettings bool springsettings.cfg will save the settings values, if they match the implicit defaults and were set by a user explicitly (source) Default: 0
TCPAllowConnect string (source) Default: *
TCPAllowListen string (source) Default: *
TeamHighlight int (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 2
TeamNanoSpray bool (source) Default: 1
TextureMemPoolSize unsigned Set to 0 to disable, otherwise specify a predefined memory to serve Bitmap allocation requests (source) Default: 512
Min: 0
TooltipGeometry string (source) Default: 0.0 0.125 0.41 0.1
TooltipOutlineFont bool (source) Default: 1
UDPAllowConnect string (source) Default:
UDPAllowListen string (source) Default: *
UDPConnectionLogDebugMessages bool (source) Default: 0
UnitIconDist int (source) Default: 200
UnitIconFadeStart float (source) Default: 3000
Min: 1
Max: 10000
UnitIconFadeVanish float (source) Default: 1000
Min: 1
Max: 10000
UnitIconScaleUI float (source) Default: 1
Min: 0.1
Max: 10
UnitIconsAsUI bool Draw unit icons like it is an UI element and not like unit's LOD. (source) Default: 0
UnitIconsHideWithUI bool Hide unit icons when UI is hidden. (source) Default: 0


int (source) Default: 1000
UnitTransparency float (source) Default: 0.7
UpdateBoundingVolumeMT bool Enable multithreaded update of unit bounding volumes (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
Safe Mode: 0
UpdateWeaponVectorsMT bool Enable multithreaded update of weapon vectors (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
Safe Mode: 0
UseDistToGroundForIcons float (source) Default: 0.95
UseEFX bool (source) Default: 1
Safe Mode: 0
UseFontConfigLib bool Whether the system fontconfig library (if present and enabled at compile-time) should be used for handling fonts. (source) Default: 1
UseHighResTimer bool On Windows, sets whether Spring will use low- or high-resolution timer functions for tasks like graphical interpolation between game frames. (source) Default: 0
UseLuaMemPools bool Whether Lua VM memory allocations are made from pools. (source) Default: 1
UseNetMessageSmoothingBuffer bool Buffer network packets for a few frames in an attempt to reduce lag from packet time variance. Introduces a fixed lag. (source) Default: 1


bool (source)
UseSDLAudio bool If enabled, OpenAL-soft only renders audio into a SDL buffer and playback is done by the SDL audio layer, i.e. SDL handles the hardware (source) Default: 1
Safe Mode: 0
Headless: 0
UseShaderCache bool If already compiled shaders should be shared via a cache, reducing compiles of already compiled shaders. (source) Default: 1


bool (source)
VFSCacheArchiveFiles bool (source) Default: 1
VSync int Synchronize buffer swaps with vertical blanking interval. Modes are -N (adaptive), +N (standard), or 0 (disabled). (source) Default: -1
Min: -6
Max: 6
Water int Defines the type of water rendering. Can be set in game. Options are: 0 = Basic water, 1 = Reflective water, 2 = Reflective and Refractive water, 3 = Dynamic water, 4 = Bumpmapped water (source) Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 4
Safe Mode: 0
Headless: 0
WhiteListAdditionalPlayers bool (source) Default: 1
WindowBorderless bool When set and Fullscreen is 0, will put the game in Borderless Window mode, also known as Windowed Fullscreen. When using this, it is generally best to also set WindowPosX and WindowPosY to 0 (source) Default: 0
WindowPosX int Sets the horizontal position of the game window, if Fullscreen is 0. When WindowBorderless is set, this should usually be 0. (source) Default: 0
WindowPosY int Sets the vertical position of the game window, if Fullscreen is 0. When WindowBorderless is set, this should usually be 0. (source) Default: 32
WindowedEdgeMove bool Sets whether moving the mouse cursor to the screen edge will move the camera across the map. (source) Default: 1
WorkerThreadCount int Number of workers (including the main thread!) used by ThreadPool. (source) Default: -1
Min: -1
Safe Mode: 0
XResolution int Sets the width of the game screen. If set to 0 Spring will autodetect the current resolution of your desktop. (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
XResolutionWindowed int See XResolution, just for windowed. (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
YResolution int Sets the height of the game screen. If set to 0 Spring will autodetect the current resolution of your desktop. (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
YResolutionWindowed int See YResolution, just for windowed. (source) Default: 0
Min: 0
address string Last Ip/hostname used as direct connect in the menu. (source) Default:
name string Sets your name in the game. Since this is overridden by lobbies with your lobby username when playing, it usually only comes up when viewing replays or starting the engine directly for testing purposes. (source) Default: UnnamedPlayer
snd_airAbsorption float (source) Default: 0.1
snd_device string Sets the used output device. See "Available Devices" section in infolog.txt. (source) Default:
snd_volbattle int Volume for "battle" sound channel. (source) Default: 100
Min: 0
Max: 200
snd_volgeneral int Volume for "general" sound channel. (source) Default: 100
Min: 0
Max: 200
snd_volmaster int Master sound volume. (source) Default: 60
Min: 0
Max: 200
snd_volmusic int Volume for "music" sound channel. (source) Default: 100
Min: 0
Max: 200
snd_volui int Volume for "ui" sound channel. (source) Default: 100
Min: 0
Max: 200
snd_volunitreply int Volume for "unit reply" sound channel. (source) Default: 100
Min: 0
Max: 200